This one’s for all of the parents in the world, be they the caretakers of human offspring or furry creatures alike. I’ve always recommended outdoor fabrics for areas of high stain traffic, like dining chairs and that sort of thing. Then I found out recently that you can actually BLEACH Sunbrella fabric.
Bleach! As in full-on chlorine bleach! Other cleaning solutions recommended by Sunbrella include acetone (fingernail polish remover), paint remover, and turpentine.
Just what do you put on colored fabric that makes it impervious to bleach, paint remover and turnpentine, I wonder. Except truthfully, I don’t want to know. I just want to put it on everything in my house now….and maybe figure out a way to make carpet out of it.
So if you’re like me and have had the occasion to live with royal blue yogurt or kelly green icing stains on your furniture, get a load of some of Sunbrella’s fabric options:
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