I have a deep and abiding love for this coffee table.
If I:
a) needed a coffee table, and
b) was going to Houston any time soon,
I would buy this puppy post haste.
I know from previous experience that this store charges out the wazoo for S&H, so if you love this as I do, don’t fork that extra out for shipping. Take the same amount of money and use it to drive yourself and a companion out to Concrete City. You hit the store, pack up your fine table, swing by the Museum of Fine Arts, have yourselves a nice little nosh afterwards and you’ll have a fun day plus a great-looking table.
At least, that’s what I would do.
I love it too! What is the store in Houston?
I'm not surprised you were a fan of it, Timary! High Fashion Home…if you click on the photo, it'll take you right to their Web site.