Room Fu is celebrating its tenth year in business this summer, and to celebrate, we’re having a party!
July 13th
Art on 5th Gallery
3005 South Lamar Blvd.
Austin, TX 78704
We’d love for you to come, and to entice you to RSVP early so we can get a headcount, how about a giveaway?
Just head over to our event page and RSVP–whether you’re a yes, no or maybe, that won’t affect your entry for this giveaway. We’ll put all of the names in a hat and draw at random for the prize. If you’ve already RSVP’d, you’re already entered. Sweet, huh?
What is this fabulous prize, you ask? An awesome, upcycled mid-century decorative wood vase:
You must RSVP no later than this Friday, June 21st at midnight, CST, to be eligible for this giveaway. We’ll announce the winner here on Tuesday, June 25th!
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