Overheard at the Callan dinner table recently, after I mentioned a picture I saw of my stepsister’s baby girl:
PHOEBE: What’s her name?
ME: Alexi.
PHOEBE: Oh, that’s so cute! What’s her daddy’s name?
ME: Craig.
PHOEBE: Oh, like your friend, Craig.
ME: (Turning to Jeb.) She can’t possibly remember my friend Craig from Nashville, can she? She was in a baby carrier the last time she saw him. (Back to Phoebe.) What friend named Craig are you talking about?
PHOEBE: You know, that guy who makes a lot of lists.
ME: Ohhhhh–are you talking about Craigslist? Yes, Craig and I are like this.
There’s never a dull moment when Phoebe is in the house!