HGTV Design Star's Tashica Morgan Interview

My dread meter was a tad on the high side today, in anticipation of talking to eliminated Design Star contestant Tashica Morgan. While it might appear that I'm a confrontational person, I was not looking forward to the possibility of [...]

Austin Etsy Vintage Mid-Century Collage Artist Melissa Gable

Loving these collage prints from Austin artist Melissa Gable, available thru her Etsy shop. Her descriptions are worthwhile reads in and of themselves... *Actually, I started out with three but then I added two more to the mix. Couldn't bring [...]

HGTV'sDesign Star: Season 4, Episode 1: First Challenge Recap

Last night was the big premiere of Design Star, Season 4, and since I’ve bonded over the past several months with Season 3 runner-up Matt Locke, I thought it’d be fun to trade dish with him after the episode aired. [...]