Catalog Crawl Continues
Finally, huh? After two weeks, it's about time to finish up this crawl. Now you know why I had to let all of my magazine subscriptions run out without renewing. There just aren't enough hours in the day. I don't [...]
Finally, huh? After two weeks, it's about time to finish up this crawl. Now you know why I had to let all of my magazine subscriptions run out without renewing. There just aren't enough hours in the day. I don't [...]
This stop on the Christmas Catalog Crawl should really be titled, "What Robin Wants For Christmas." Starting with this: We're typically sporting shorts-weather on Christmas Day here in the ATX, but I still lust after these slippers: [...]
No time for a Craigslist Crawl lately, but since there are a ton of catalogs in me post box today, it seems like a good day to start doing a Catalog Crawl. And because I'm a cheapo, I'm only featuring [...]