My Colorful Home Office
I have to say, I just adore my office. It is not the only room in the house that is totally me, but it's the only room I didn't have to take anyone else's opinion into consideration when creating the [...]
I have to say, I just adore my office. It is not the only room in the house that is totally me, but it's the only room I didn't have to take anyone else's opinion into consideration when creating the [...]
We're so excited to share pictures of Guest Room Giveaway winner Neesha D.'s transformed guest bedroom! We are really excited about how this makeover turned out, due in large part to the amazing products and services donated by Austin businesses [...]
Pardon me while I take a moment to GUSH. I felt a lot of excited anticipation over the grand opening of Mockingbird Domestics here in Austin Saturday. The sneak peeks I'd seen of the merchandise on Facebook left me wanting [...]
I've come across the CUTEST little lighting and accessories lately, perfect for your desk if you're into mod office chic and high drama where color's concerned: [...]
When I picked up this Carmen Miranda wannabe of a footed bowl at Uncommon Objects last Friday, Claire looked at me like I was nuts. "You can't deny her awesomeness!" I said. And you can't.
New York City's going to wind up today's Craigslist Crawl:
Craigslist goodies for folks in La-La-Land:
For those of you near the Windy City, some Fab Finds Craigslist-style:
Next stop on today's Crawl: Dallas!