How to Fix Paint Drips on Carpet
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Jeb doesn't use a drop cloth and I use two. Which one of us do you think added a drip pattern to the carpet while we were painting Phoebe's room recently? Yeah. [...]
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that Jeb doesn't use a drop cloth and I use two. Which one of us do you think added a drip pattern to the carpet while we were painting Phoebe's room recently? Yeah. [...]
Was so thrilled while walking around the 2nd Street District to see FLOR has opened a store in Austin! I popped in and discovered they've been open just a few days and are having a grand opening Thursday night. If [...]
While we're on the subject of transformation, if you have an interest in improving various facets of your life via feng shui, I highly recommend Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life, by Karen Rauch Carter. I've mentioned this book before, [...]
Anyone who reads this blog or hires me as an interior designer knows I'm a big ol' fan of FLOR tiles. I'm totally digging some of their new varieties: Of [...]
It would make me so ecstatically happy to have wood floors so I could plop this rug into my office space (these tiles don't work so hot on carpeted surfaces). Pink haters can kiss my grits.