Texas Craigslist Crawl
Seems like a hundred years since I've posted a Craigslist Crawl, y'all! Let's do it Texas-style today (and if I have time, we'll branch out later). AUSTIN [...]
Seems like a hundred years since I've posted a Craigslist Crawl, y'all! Let's do it Texas-style today (and if I have time, we'll branch out later). AUSTIN [...]
In honor of Matt Locke's mention of my Craigslist-related blog posts, I thought it might be time for another Crawl. But since time is short today after returning from a week working in Dallas, I'll hit three cities: Austin, because [...]
Lighting doesn't have to be superexpensive. Cases in point:
Last night on Landscaper’s Challenge…er, I mean, Design Star… I was already over this episode before it even started. As a general rule, interior designers just don’t know enough about plants to put a cohesive landscaping plan together, and I [...]
Now that it's been pounded into my head that there are readers outside my fair city of Austin (and beyond the Lone Star State, for that matter), I thought I'd take a wander around random cities' Craigslist offerings. The rule [...]