design tips

Popcorn Ceilings

Popcorn ceilings are the bane of my existence. Removing this texture from your house takes 30 years off the perceived age of your home. I know it's a messy and annoying process, but I don't know anyone who has gotten [...]

Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life

I heart this book. It's kind of a mind-meld of The Secret and your basic feng shui how-to. The author's very down-to-Earth and her philosophy boils down to doing things with intent. Where feng shui might dictate that you have [...]

Mini Makeover

How many times have you looked at your built-in entertainment wall unit and thought it was just too much? Too much wood, too heavy-looking, too much of the same 'ol same 'ol? Here's a project I recently completed that will [...]